Professional Development
Would you like to be brimful of ideas for your next mediation?
Would you like to feel more energised at the end of your working day?
Would you like to have clearer boundaries between work and leisure?
Mini Workshops: Specific to Mediation Stages
Experienced Mediators and Dispute Resolution Practitioners – Monday Modules
New Mediators and Dispute Resolution Practitioners – Thursday Topics
Weekly 2 hour sessions over 8 weeks for very small groups. Each workshop features a specific mediation stage or stages.
Online sessions.
Professional Development (PD) with HDR provides you with ideas, energy and clarity. HDR PD is suitable for Mediators, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (FDRPs), Conciliators, Registrars, Conferencing Chairs and other Dispute Resolution Practitioners.
I provide light hearted PD which is passionate, personalised, proactive and practical. It is my belief that while the experience of mediation is serious and is appropriately treated seriously, it is equally appropriate that the experience of PD for mediation is light hearted and is appropriately treated light- heartedly.
I base the PD program I provide on what I continue to learn as a provider of Dispute Resolution and PD and as a regular participant in PD. I read widely and apply my experience as an adult educator. I have written courses and taught ADR at a number of universities and have provided training for NMAS (National Mediator Accreditation System) and FDRP (Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner) courses.
You can read Testimonials here.
The HDR approach to Professional Development
I am committed to best practice. My ongoing involvement with DR industry organisations, including chairing the Board of Resolution Institute, draws my attention to what is being done well and where there is scope for change among practitioners. The Board Complaints Committee keeps me up to date with what works for participants and what doesn’t.
I focus on professional authenticity and personal resilience. I provide PD that reinforces and extends your resilience as you adapt and transform your practice. In my experience, the more consistent the practice, the more effective is the mediation; and, the more effective the mediation, the more resilient is the practitioner and the more resilient the practitioner the more consistent the practice.
Consistent, effective practice is experienced by participants as authentic practice. It is the relational aspects that are considered pivotal to effective practice.
My approach is to provide Professional Development in accordance with best practice adult learning principles, on the basis that you and each person in the group acknowledges that all
are motivated and directed by your own goals and aspirations
have life experiences and wisdom though which you will sieve and frame your experiences of mediation and PD
will recognise what is relevant to your practice
will be open to a variety of interpretations resulting from discussions
regard learning as an individual and a group activity which takes place during and between sessions
You will benefit most from Professional Development with me when you and I connect well personally and professionally. Please do have a look around. While browsing the website you will get a sense of my approach which I also discuss on the About Margaret page. My occasional blog, Mediation Musings will give you further insights into my practice.
You can also read more about my philosophy and PD experience, credentials and accreditations as well as my mediation practice and DR community roles on the About Margaret page. The About page has more about the HDR approach to Professional Development in general.You are welcome to phone or email me to discuss your Professional Development needs and preferences.
Professional practitioner and professional person
As a Practitioner, you are both a professional practitioner and a professional person. I provide a strand of PD for you as a practitioner and another for you as a person. Each strand caters for the type and amount of mediation experience you have had and offers you PD alternatives at both short and longer notice.
You can follow the links below for more information about each of the programs I offer.
You as professional Practitioner
A series of 2 hour sessions each focusing on a specific stage of the mediation process
In depth exploration of selected aspects of the practice of mediation
You as professional Person
As required support
Planned Program
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