Monday Modules and Thursday Topics
I’m a real believer in mediation and agree with you that it is the path to world peace. I’ve employed some of its principles in my work and it has literally revolutionised my relationships with my colleagues. It’s also made me a lot happier.
And I’d love to do more classes with you.
Jean, Television Producer 2018
Your friendly and happy demeanour made each 2 hour module fly by.
For me, to be able to tap into your vast experience in mediation was invaluable. I appreciated your honesty in sticking to your principles by always being able to give me an example of why my contrarian view on any given topic would often be wrong.
Graham, Barrister 2018
Generally I loved the opportunity to gain lots of great insights from a highly experienced practitioner about how to conduct a mediation from beginning to end. The sessions were thought provoking, inspiring and very practical. I also loved the fact that I could participate in the sessions online.
I loved how the content covered each stage of the mediation process, so that each week we had a focus on one element. The content was unpinned by theoretical knowledge and was filled with lots of practical tips about what do or say in each stage.
I liked how Margaret followed a consistent process for each session. I particularly liked having to identify the purpose of each stage of the mediation as well as giving a description.
At the same time, Margaret also let us explore topics/ideas on the way and also welcomed questions and challenges to her own ideas, which was great.
Emma Broomfield, Experienced Mediator 2016
Director Locale Consulting
Generally paced well – plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion
Content was very helpful
I enjoyed the process – became predictable and easy to follow at night when often feeling tired.
Experienced Mediator 2016
Relaxed mode of delivery and conversational style works well. Excellent how you bring the focus back to the topic as it would be easy to move into other topics.
Excellent content: sharing your valuable slant on mediation is most useful. I enjoyed slight tangent to discuss underlying philosophy of human behaviour where appropriate.
Very interesting content as it differed from traditional mediation. Found this helpful, especially the set of questions.
Experienced Mediator 2016
What worked well was the analysis of purpose, effect and perspectives.
I found the open responsiveness of Margaret and registrants worked well. The pace, the information and the thought flow.
Experienced Mediator 2016
Margaret was happy to take the lead and has so much to impart.
The content was excellent and very thought-provoking; an excellent refresher.
Experienced Mediator 2016
I had not worked in mediation for some time and the discussion enabled me to recap and revise and remember strategies that I used to use in mediation and learn new ones. The casual nature of the group allowed us to enter the discussion without feeling intimidated or judged.
The content was perfect as it ran through all the stages and allowed us to dissect each one.
The two hours sessions seemed to fly by with invigorating and relevant discussions and peer reflection and learning. What worked well for me was the opportunity to ask questions and to raise issues one-on-one and the structured and informal approach.
Experienced Mediator 2016
In all cases I found that the content of the sessions added meaningfully to the five-day training.
The process was streamlined and allowed each participant to receive one-on-one attention as well is being able to share in group discussion about significant issues. Each question and idea, however basic or intricate, is encouraged and explored in detail.
New Mediator 2016
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Coaching for Mediator Accreditation, Mediator Practice and FDR Practice
Margaret Halsmith provided a small forum for people preparing for the LEADR video assessment for mediators. I was lucky to attend, and found the whole session most beneficial. We were able to discuss and ask questions that were of concern to each person in the group and cover main topics for the assessment. Margaret has a wealth of knowledge and experience, and a willingness to share this. I recommend anyone contemplating doing the video assessment to avail themselves to a preparation forum provided by Margaret. I passed and I am sure it was of assistance.
Colleen Mack 2015
A few weeks ago you took the time to give me a tutorial when I had driven up from Kojonup, unaware that it had been cancelled.
The time spent with you was invaluable and sincerely appreciated.
I am pleased to advise you that I have, today been advised that I was successful in the subsequent assessment.
Thank you again for your assistance.
I have attached the assessment report which you may find of interest.
Edmund 2012
Your fabulous coaching did the trick - I passed. Thank you so much! As you can tell, I'm completely thrilled. Still a lifetime of learning ahead of me!
Catherine 2014
Margaret strikes a perfect balance between challenge and enjoyment during coaching sessions. Her advice is pitched perfectly to boost confidence and improve performance.
Margaret coached me to refine my opening statement, develop effective transitions between stages and identify and employ a range of questioning styles.
But I was also encouraged to think about things more fundamental to my long-term approach as a mediator: my mediation style, the importance of precise language and the benefits of couching mediation in ‘thinking’ rather than ‘feeling’ terms.
It’s no surprise that Margaret is a highly respected mediation expert.
Wendy Franklin 2013
Head of Corporate Communications, GESB.
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Advanced Workshops
I recently took part in a one day training program run by Margaret Halsmith on introductory mediation skills. I found Margaret to be an excellent communicator, the training session providing an informative, interactive and enjoyable introduction to the skills of mediation. The hands on nature of the course and role plays were especially valuable. One day was certainly too short!
Tony 2011
Professional and compassionate leadership; good mix of presentations: style and variety; thank you
Bruce 2013
Overall the course was very informative and rewarding personally and professionally. Margaret provided great insights the process through their personal knowledge and skills.
Jennifer 2013
The course was well presented. Margaret read the room well and attended well to participants' needs.
Michelle 2013
Margaret is very knowledgeable and did a fantastic job of facilitating the course.
Trevor 2013
The performance of the trainer ameliorated pre-course anxieties. Very grateful to have participated. Margaret was very impressive in her skills delivery.
Bill 2013
I thoroughly enjoyed the course although I didn't think I would at the start.
Sharmila 2013
Brilliant course and so well delivered by Margaret.
Alfred 2013

Mentoring for Practicing Mediators and FDR Practitioners
Thank you Margaret for the last few years of mentoring me. I have shifted from being a doubtful, mechanistic mediator to a reflective, flexible mediator with even greater respect for the process than when I started. I look forward to continuing our professional relationship.
Francine 2013
Dear Margaret, I am looking forward to our 6 monthly review. There is such a lot that I think about differently now. I have changed my practice a bit but mostly I am much more resilient (and that means professional) than I was before I started being mentored by you. Parties are getting a better deal from me; mostly though my family and I are getting a better deal from me.
Bevan 2013
Professional Clinical Supervision
Just wanted to say thanks for an extraordinary year of supervision. The topics raised were all interesting and every session left me with more to think about in terms of my own practice.
Hopefully, the group will be able to continue next year. I would seriously miss not having it.
Lidy Seysener 2018
Many thanks, Margaret, and all our group, for a lively and thought-provoking year of professional supervision. I have learned a great deal from everyone. Thank you all.
It has indeed been an interesting supervision group this year, and thanks for all your work. I do value the time to reflect, and to be challenged to reflect on my work. The international, Australasian aspect of the group makes our discussions very rich. I have learned a lot about FDR in New Zealand!
Cecilia Lenagh 2018
Thanks for a great year of supervision.
Mike Gardam 2018
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Image credit: Robert Woods